Sometime ago, I had the opportunity to preach the word somewhere and I think I preached up a storm to the glory of God. I got quite a bit of rich feedback and one person in particular walked up to me, after giving her compliment asked: "who do you listen to?"
That question caught me off guard...and I cannot recall my response. The truth is I actually listen to a lot of sound stuff. From sermons to podcasts to vlogs and all. So that question was not inappropriate. Just that I didn't see it coming and so I went blank. But as I think back today, I see it was a really valid question and so I am asking it forward...who do you listen to?
Yes, you…
I have come to realize that information is very much related to impartation. Words ride on the wings of spirit guys; that's why you cannot listen to just anything. I challenge you today to be intentional about what you listen to. If you're already Intentional, take it a notch higher and be super intentional. Guard your heart.
Your mind is no dustbin, don't allow trash in there. I can go through the pain of wearing earphones all day, even at the risk of ear pain just to block out sounds I don't need. Yes. It's that serious.
Faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God. Let's reverse this equation now; it means doubt and fear also come by hearing, but this time around, hearing the wrong things.
And I bet you, without even knowing it, we tend to gulp down enough rubbish into our minds on a regular basis. From slangs that don't concern us to jokes that we have no business laughing at. How about those songs that are just plain empty, then the plenty many social media posts that try to weaken our convictions.
All these happen because we are not intentional about what we give our minds to. To be intentional is to listen actively and not passively. If you don't choose what to listen to, the world and your environment will choose for you.
If you don't give yourself to hearing the word, how do you intend to build your faith?
If you don't invest in hearing great stuff, how do you intend to develop the right mindset?
If you don't commit to feeding your mind with the right ingredients that would serve as raw materials for great thoughts, how do you intend to think big?
If all you hear is negativity and pessimism, how do you intend to be courageous?
There's a reason the ears are the gateway to the heart. There's also a reason hearing is one of the senses. Use your ears well.
You need to purge your soul of information that doesn't serve your purpose. After which you flip the party and start filling your mind with the right information.
A great place to start is the word of God. Everything, absolutely everything in the word is good news to the believer. So many prophecies, promises and love letters littered in the word. Search them out and hold on to them.
I am yet to see a person suffer from information overload from the word, seriously speaking. You won't be the first. Go right ahead and overdose on the word. There's no side effect nor risk in it.
Then search for and invest in quality information. Leverage on social media for your growth. Don't just accept anything online, choose what to be served.
My social media accounts are set up in such a way that I'm usually edified by the contents I allow into my space. Whatever doesn't serve me well, I don't hesitate to block or unfollow the dispenser of such information.
From my emails to my Twitter, Instagram and Facebook following, I've set up structures to ensure I only read good stuff. Yes, no time to be dull, I'd rather be proactive.
You really don't have to read every gist or news, or view every status update. It might not be bad in itself, but sometimes, you just limit distractions to amplify focus.
You'd need to step back in order to soar. You just need to prune yourself to bear more fruits. You also need to fast some things to move fast. Be brutal. Like I said, it's not bad, but why not come up hither?
In choosing what to listen to or not, let this serve as a litmus test: is it going to move me closer to who I want to become or not? If yes, please go all the way in. If not, I leave you in peace.
"No matter who you are,
no matter where you live, and no matter how many people are chasing you, what
you don’t read is often as important as what you do read” wrote Lemony
What you don't listen to is also as important as what you listen to. Because words have power. What you don't watch is also as important as what you watch. What you don't eat is also as important as what you eat.
This is a big deal. Bring your A game here. The human mind comprises the conscious and subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is like a sponge that absorbs everything it can without selection.
It is the headquarters of deep seated belief systems and ideologies. And guess what? The information there spans about 65-90% of the total information in your mind. And the information is imprinted by consistent repetition.
That's why you'd hear a song a couple of times either passively or actively and would be able to sing it almost unconsciously. Imagine a person has 70% of rubbish information? God forbid!
Repetition aids retention. What you continuously repeat to your mind is automatically retained by it; whether useful or not. It is your assignment to expose it to the right information, that's the psychology behind confessions and affirmations. 'Cos you gotta renew your mind, baby.
Now when you come to the knowledge of Christ, it becomes a necessary responsibility to renew your mind with the word. In fact, I'll say brainwash yourself with the word. Have the mind of Christ. Think like Christ would.
Start from somewhere, and be consistent.
I'd have you know that for every wrong belief a person has, there's a counter word in the scripture. You just have to search it out and stare at it till it gets imprinted in your subconscious mind and becomes your default thought pattern.
There's a word for every situation and you can have the word in every situation.
For your health…
For your studies…
For your finances…
For your business…
For your relationships…
For safety and protection…
There's absolutely nothing the word doesn't address. So sweet mehn!
So this week, open your Bible and get the word for your life.
Love and Light
Wow, you couldn't have said it any better. Thank you really.
ReplyDeleteWe need to guard our hearts, because from it are the issues or outcomes of our lives. Our hearts and minds are like the soils of the earth. The soil doesn't have the ability to differentiate between the good seeds or bad seeds or weeds. Whatever seed that falls on the ground, is what they produce and even in abundance. And so is the same for our heart. It can never differentiate between good or bad information. So whatever comes in, is what it produces eventually. That's why we have to be very intentional about what we feed ourselves with. Whatever is in your heart is what you eventually produce in your life. If you life is producing negativity, then check the contents of your heart, and what you have been feeding it with .
You're absolutely right. Our minds are like the soil of the earth that produce whatever seed we let germinate. Thank you so much for this extension of the post, I love your analysis with the soil.ππ