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Showing posts from May, 2021

Kingdom Marriage Series: Episode Twelve

Hi, guys. How do you do? Long time no post, right? It was beyond my control, honestly. But I'm here for the last episode in the  Kingdom Marriage series . And it's a really interesting one. Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Beatrice Eneje shared a lot with us. I admire their honesty and vulnerability and can't wait to let you in on it.  Before I leave your face, here's a reminder to catch up on the previous episodes. They are filled with many lessons you can't afford to miss. Start from episode one , then move to the next episode  and the next one till you get to the previous episode . Deal? Alright, let's hear from today's couple. Nancita: Please introduce yourselves.  Mr.:  I'm Scott Eneje. Mrs.:  I'm Beatrice Scott Eneje. We’ve been married for 3 years now. Nancita: How did you meet? Mr.: We met in college. She caught my attention in a class when she dissed me for dissing friends who were trying to find out how I was the only one to score every point in a ...

Why I Shout So Much About Reading

  "Why do you shout about reading so much like this?" You might have wondered and would like to ask me, if you had the opportunity. Let me save you the stress, you'll be reading the answer in a bit. But first, have you read this year, this month, this week, today? What did you read and for how long? Did you meditate on what you read and draw up an action plan on how to infuse what you learnt into your life's system? I'm proud of you mehn! So growing up, my parents really did a good job trying to inculcate the reading culture in all of us. My mum and her sisters were the reading type and would buy and exchange novels on crime, law etc Both of my parents studied English Language in university and so we had a vast range of literature books at home. Some in twos sef, 'cos two of them bought their individual copies and so we always had plenty of books at home. From Things Fall Apart and Anthills of the Savannah by Chinua Achebe, The Beautiful Ones are not Yet Born ...

Healthy Eating Equals Healthy Living

Heyo dear, how's the weekend going? I hope you're unwinding well and enjoying yourself? Very important. Speaking of the weekend, it's usually when most people spend more time at home and are faced with a higher temptation to eat everything that comes their way. Are you guilty?? Now, before you throw the next thing into your mouth, grab a seat and let's have a heart-to-heart talk. I just wrote you a letter… enjoy! Dear foodie, Can you boldly declare that your stomach is proud of all that you send into it?? If we should do an audit of your eating habits, will the result show that you've been feeding life to your system or not? The things you call 'small chops' hope they are not about to give you big problems?? You are what you eat . Yep! Most sicknesses and illnesses can be traced to nutrition. There are a lot more nutrition related illnesses than you'd want to believe. And of all the illnesses you might deal with, nutrition-related illnesses should not be...

Handling Grief

  I'm very big on preparation. I really don't like to be taken unawares and so I prepare for whatever I perceive would occur... Hence I research, read and pray a whole lot about whatever I'm about to go through. But nothing, absolutely nothing prepared me for 9th of May, 2019...the worst day of my life forever😭😭😭  The day started with me at the library trying to read for a while before my 11am class. Then the worst call came in, informing me to rush home with the guise that she just got out of surgery and needed help at home. I left the library, dashed to my hostel, packed a few things, (already panicking and in tears) informed my roommate and friend and flew home. I'd later get home to meet sad faces; some known, others unknown. I actually went blank, not knowing what to think. Then the agitation began, I was restless and couldn't wait for an explanation. And then came the saddest thing I ever heard… Aunty. Mercy. Died😭😭😭 Oh!  How I cried, how I wailed, how I...